Saturday 7 May 2011

Contoh Soalan ABP Practical


Sebelum kita mulakan sesi pembelajaran kita dengan lebih mantap,eloklah untuk saya memohon maap sebab xpenah langsung post kat blog ni..hehe..actually memang daku tersangatlah xdk idea nk post apa..kalau nak post bab2 study ni lambat cket..hehe..padahal gagah perkasa g reveal yang aku ni salah sorang author blog..caittt..tapi pada malam yang serba xbrapa sejuk ni,aku pon dengan senyuman terukir di bibir nak share cket maklumat yang dapat kat bengkel PHYSIOLOGY pagi tadi..hehe

*sorry kejap guna aku,kejap saya..act,xtau nk guna yg mn..hehe..bantai je la ek..

Kalau pasal cara2 nak buat ABP test ni insyaAllah semua dah mantap2 gitu kan? so,kita troskan ngan sesi soalan..kan kita semua sedia maklum bahawa exam practical kita nanti macam lebih kurang jek ngan exam oral..jadik,dengan niat mumtaz di hati,kita kenalah prepare segala kePROFESIONALISME untuk menjawab soalan doctor2 nanti..haah..tunjok jek..jgn simpan2.. :p

1) Why we do pulpatory method?
-to avoid silent gap.

2) What is the definition of kortokoff 's sounds?
-sounds between systole and diastole.

3) Auscultatory or silent gap?
-gap in which kortokoff 's sounds disappears for short time & then reappear again.
-unknown cause but it occur in cases of hypertension.
-it may lead to recording false low systolic pressure value.

4) Uses of the sphygmomanometer? (soklan ni agak femes)
-measurement of arterial blood pressure.
-measurement of blood flow rate by plethysmography.
-study of reactive hyperemia.
-capillary fragility test (Hiss test)
-bleeding time (Ivy method)
-fatigue & latent Tetany

5) In pulpatory method,why there is no pulse after we increase the pressure(lbh kurang above 120) ??
-because pressure inside the cuff or pressure outside is higher than systolic pressure,artery will close..

6) why auscultatory method is more accurate than pulpatory?
- because hearing is better than feel.
-measure at brachial artery.

7) In auscultatory method,why we will hear some noise at certain value?
- at certain value,systolic pr. just higher than external pr. So,some drop of blood will pass to the opposite end ------ lead to noise.....

Time nak buat ABP test ni,tangan patient kena at rest.Half pronation n half supination..kita kena support tangan patient,letak la atas apa2 yang bleh support..jgn letak atas bahu korang dah..xpasal2 lenguh..hehe..

Satu lagi,time buat test ni nanti jangan tunjuk sphygmo ni kat patient k..nanti doctor insyaAllah tanya..hehe..jawapan dia senang..supaya patient xgelabah beruang kutub nengok dia punya tekanan darah..hehe..(sila olah jawapan in english mengikut keselesaan masing2 yek)

Ni ja sedikit sebanyak soalan yang senior n doktor cakap..hehe..kalau da pa2 penambahan sila la ek..jangan malu2.. :) Semoga entry ini bermanfaat untuk semua..

*kalau rasa entry ini bermanfaat,sebar2kanlah..ilmu perlu dikongsi even xseberapa..wallahu'alam.........



aLong baik said...

sila jawab disini supaya kita boleh ulangkaji

AdAm Azman said...

there is a little mistake but not a big deal...
quetion no.6,should be..hearing is better than feel...right??

izyaniliyana said...

hahaha..yup2..silap'alish ek..lupa cek lak 2..thnkz k..